Professional Wedding Albums by Leah Haydock Photography

I took a day off from blogging :) but I'm back with the final video in the collection and it's all about wedding albums.

Over one year ago I posted about albums, you can read it by clicking **here** and admitted the shameful secret that I still haven't gotten around to designing our own wedding album. Bad Leah. We've been married for nearly 5 years and I have a bunch of discs somewhere. I have NO excuse, I have access to the most beautiful album companies. But there's always something else more pressing to do...

Anyhoo, here are some interviews with smart couples who had me design their wedding albums rather than letting their pictures sit forlorn and forgotten on a disc...

If you ask most people what they'd rescue from a burning house (assuming all people and animals are out safely!) the answer is always almost photos and albums. As the years go by those family pictures with your parents and grandparents become priceless. And when life is happening around you and you're bickering over whose turn it is to make dinner or fold laundry, looking at the pictures in your wedding album together will remind you how you felt on your wedding day. Now I feel really bad that we don't have one. Sad Leah :(

I just delivered an album to Katy & Sean last week of their wedding pictures at Atkinson Country Club and Resort. Katy sent me a sweet note later that day "Leah...I can't stop looking at our album! It is stunning! Thank you so much for all of the time you put into designing it. You truly are the best!" Here are just a few pictures I snapped before it was safely delivered:

We went for a buttery soft black leather cover but there are a gazillion options for printing silk wrap images on the cover, etching an image onto brushed metal and other fun. The pages are gilded in silver (you can also do gold or leave them plain):

The pages are archival quality photographs that run across both pages (panoramic) and they're bonded to thick pages:

The panoramic design of the album is awesome as you can run a favorite ceremony or couples picture across both pages. This album is 12x12 so the image below is actually 24 inches wide by 12 inches tall, it's really spectacular to be able to hold in your hands:

If you were wondering what was in the smaller box in the first picture it's a mini purse book. An exact duplicate of the master album but press-printed on thinner pages so it's not only more affordable, it's portable! These are also great gifts for your parents! You should care for your wedding album carefully as one day it'll likely be a family heirloom but it's nice to be able to throw a little mini album in your purse to show off your pictures:

The mini books aren't panoramic so you lose a tiny bit of the image in the break for the spine but the pages are hinged which allows them to lie flat without having to press down on the spine.

And that's it for today! Pictures and vendor interviews galore coming up...

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