Toby & Jesse met over a patient's bed at the hospital where they were both working. Jesse kept trying to engage Toby in conversation but she was initially too busy to notice. Finally Toby agreed to a lunch date which led to a date at a photography exhibition which led to a pretty awesome relationship!

We totally lucked out on this perfect weather day amongst a week of rain and humidity!

Toby and Jesse are pretty cute together and I can't wait to photograph their wedding later this month at Taj Boston.

The Inn by the Sea is such a great place! I loved the light on this little pathway from the hotel to Crescent Beach:

Toby and Jesse wanted to incorporate iconic Maine rocks and cliffs and lighthouses into their pictures so we after a quick outfit change we drove the short distance to Fort William Park:

Cliffs and rocks galore:

And lighthouses too!

Toby and Jesse had reservations for dinner in Portland so we grabbed a couple more pictures in the Old Port before they went off to enjoy dinner and the rest of their weekend!

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