Boston Marathon Proposal :: Bonnie + Josh

I feel like a little squirrel waking up from hibernation. Actually, I don't think squirrels hibernate, maybe they just sleep a lot, so we have that in common. What I'm trying to say is that wedding season is upon us and I'll be blogging again. Are you excited? You should be, there's some really good stuff on the way....

About a week or so before the Boston Marathon, I received a call from Josh who was planning to surprise his girlfriend Bonnie by proposing after she crossed the finish line. Proposals are one of my very favorite things to photograph so of course, I agreed to be there.

Bonnie and Josh live in Austin, TX and Bonnie had hoped that Josh would be able to travel to Boston with her. Josh came up with an elaborate story of food poisoning (his mom and sister were in on the plan and were bolstering the story with posts about Gatorade on his facebook page). So Bonnie was running along thinking she'd just meet up with her running club friends after the race.

Josh had actually flown into Boston the night before and as Bonnie finished, she made her way to the meeting area. And then she saw Josh. Who was supposed to be sick at home in bed. 

What are you doing here?!?!?

Hugs and congratulations. 

And then the big question:

Bonnie said yes!

Bonnie still had no idea I was there, so I just kept photographing as Josh explained how he'd planned the whole thing and thoughtfully offered her a little chair he''d brought .with him. Your feet have to hurt after 26.2 miles, right?

While we were waiting for Bonnie to finish, Josh was telling me that the army will be transferring him to a different station soon, and he couldn't stand the idea of leaving without having told Bonnie how he felt and asking her to marry him. When I'm photographing, I'm so in the zone, thinking about exposure and composition and other technical stuff but I swear someone was chopping onions in the vicinity and I had to wipe away a few tears. 

Congratulations Josh and Bonnie! Thank you for choosing me as your Boston Marathon Proposal Photographer!

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