Family Photoshoot in Newburyport

Last year I photographed Corey & Isaiah's wedding (click HERE and HERE to see wedding pictures at Maudslay Arts Center and State Park), it was truly one of my all-time favorite weddings. Corey and Isaiah were beyond happy to be getting married, their friends were all super fun and their families were just lovely.

Although there were lots of tears during the day they were all of the joyful variety; the only sadness was that Corey's brother Park, was unable to be there as he was actively serving in Iraq. He was there in spirit represented by this soldier and everyone wrote descriptions of the day in a journal for him:

So when I found out that not only would Corey & Isaiah be coming home for the holidays to Plum Island but that Park would be home too, I was delighted to offer them a family photoshoot in Newburyport. And so on Christmas Eve I met up with the whole family: Marilyn, Don, Corey & Isaiah, Morgan and Park.

We started with a little fun in the snow at the bottom of State Street. The pictures are shown clockwise from top left. Pay close attention to how high Park throws his snow and remember what goes up, must come down...

Reverend Don is Corey's father and an absolute hoot. He decided he would rock side to side on the bench, kind of like a mini-wave.

Do you see the tiny black triangle in the picture below? Is it a shark? Nope - I think it's a sea lion but sea life isn't really my forte so please correct me if I'm wrong (just like this kind blog reader did with Neil Diamond - follow all the way down to the comments)

I was taking pictures of Park and Morgan totally ratted him out "get him to do his Blue Steel for you". Park - please don't hate me for printing these :)

Who'd have thought it? Turns out "Blue Steel" is a family talent and even Isaiah can pull it off!

It's not over yet - click on the little white play triangle in the picture below for more family fun including crazy jumping action and Don & Marylyn making out like teenagers. Pretty impressive after 31 years of marriage...

As we were walking back Park turned to me and said "Thank you so much for doing this, it really means a lot to me and my family"

I could only shake my head at this. All the thanks are for Park and the brave men and women who serve our country - may you all come home quickly and safely. It was truly an honor to take these pictures.


  1. Leah, I'm just a face covered with tears. Thank you so much for your incredible gift with a camera and how you've used it to capture our reunited family. Park safely home from Iraq, Corey and Isaiah married, Morgan in her senior year of high school, Don and I having just celebrated 31 years of marriage, and wonderful friends like you in our lives - we are so very blessed. Deepest thanks!

  2. What a wonderful story and so special of you to give them such a generous gift. Tell Park he has even more fans now thinking of him
